Show your team some love, or don’t manage people at all

June 14, 2023

Successful managers build confident and cohesive teams by making a…

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Don’t Manage People—Lead them

June 14, 2023

Managing people as projects can achieve results but leading people…

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Do What You Love! How to Identify & Pursue Your Passions

April 4, 2023

I spent nearly 15 years working in nonprofit management, mostly in…

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5 Things That Change When You Become a Leader

February 25, 2022

When you are promoted from an individual contributor role into a…

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Your Brain Has A “Delete” Button–Here’s How To Use It

January 17, 2022

There’s an old saying in neuroscience: neurons that fire together…

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A Simple 3-Part Strategy to Conquer the Fear of Public Speaking

August 16, 2021

You don't conquer the fear of public speaking; you manage it. Some…

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Rental disputes: These are your rights as a tenant

August 16, 2021

Rental disputes: In May this year, a landlord in Ruaka,…

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How Emotionally Intelligent People Act When Provoked

January 13, 2021

Who's your nemesis? We all have (at least) one--that person who…

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New Study: A 15-Minute ‘Awe Walk’ Kills Stress and Loneliness and Boosts Happiness

November 11, 2020

Everyone knows exercise improves your mood and your health. You may…

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Self-made billionaire Jack Ma: How to be successful in your 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond

October 30, 2020

When Alibaba founder and CEO Jack Ma was a young…

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Building a New Habit Starts with These 5 Steps

October 26, 2020

If you’re like most people, you probably have countless goals…

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9 Success Habits of Wealthy People That Cost Nothing

October 1, 2020

Have you ever you wondered how certain people have gotten…

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How to Achieve Holistic Health and Fitness While Quarantined

October 1, 2020

Months of quarantine have disrupted all of our wellness routines. As…

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The Secret to Great Leadership Is in How You Choose to Spend Your Time. This Is How You Do It

September 25, 2020

One of the greatest failures a leader can be guilty of is…

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How to Change Anyone’s Mind Without Persuading Them

September 25, 2020

In his new book, The Catalyst, Wharton business school marketing professor Jonah…

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Feeling Worried? This 5-Minute Exercise From a Mental Health Expert Will Calm You

September 4, 2020

Feeling worried? There's something you can do about it. Mental…

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How to Balance Between Personal and Professional Social Media

September 4, 2020

This article was written by Kay VanAntwerpen, an Entrepreneur NEXT powered by…

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If You Aren’t a Morning Person, Neuroscience Says Please Stop Trying to Be

August 12, 2020

Tim Cook gets up at 3.45 a.m. Pepsi CEO Indra…

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Research Shows People Become Increasingly Unhappy Until Age 47.2.

August 12, 2020

If you're 30 years old and feel less happy than you did when…

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6 Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Innovation

July 18, 2020

Achieving transformative innovation requires seeking out unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations,…

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4 Strategies to Actively Get Ahead of Burnout

July 14, 2020

As business ebbs and flows, we all go through periods…

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Mindfulness Meditation Is a Management Tool

July 14, 2020

I've been reading (and writing) business books since the 1980s, and, as…

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Still Trying to Multitask? How to Make More Time for Deep Work

July 14, 2020

As a small-business owner, you likely turn to multitasking to manage competing…

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The Top 5 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2020. And Where to Learn Them

July 14, 2020

If you're looking for a career change, or even just a challenge,…

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July 14, 2020

On the 26th of October 2016, my then boss called…

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Coffee Might Actually Make You a Better Leader

July 14, 2020

In the United States, coffee is as much a part of the…

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Want to Build Unbeatable Mental Toughness? Here Are 5 Surprisingly Effective Ways

July 6, 2020

Just one week after he graduated from Yale Law School, while he…

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Highly Confident People Avoid These 14 Behaviors

July 6, 2020

An organization is never more confident than its leader, which…

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10 Exercises That Will Help You Develop the Mental Strength You Need to Crush Your Goals

July 6, 2020

If you want to lift heavier objects, you need more physical…

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A Navy SEAL Commander Says Persevering Through the Toughest Challenges Requires These 4 Actions

July 6, 2020

When it comes to getting through difficult challenges, there are…

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