Everyone needs a great support system. This is why you must identify the types of coworkers you’d like to associate with in your place of work. Picking the right office relationships is necessary for successful career growth. No matter where you work, ensure you are constantly developing a relationship business.

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Technology has seen most millennials inhibit interactions with other people as they can easily live in their own cloud bubble. We all have, at some point in our careers, sent an email over to a colleague sitting right across instead of standing up and having an actual conversation. This is why there is a need to start cultivating the right connections in the workplace. These are the types of coworkers that can help you get a promotion, get that salary raise or better yet, connect you to the right markets for life.

So who are these coworkers and why do you need them in your circle?

1. The Office BestFriend

We all have one or two. The office best friend should be top of your list of colleagues you can keep. Not only do they help you get through those difficult workdays, they improve your job satisfaction. They will always be available to offer support and motivation. If you are lucky, they will crack a joke every once in a while to cheer you up! These types of coworkers will fully embrace you as a person, which makes it easier to go around your daily tasks. You need an office best friend who you can vent to, but also one who will give you honest feedback when you need something about your work. Read more