We all have days at work when nothing goes right. Usually, we shrug it off and hope that tomorrow is better.

However, when those days start blending together, and you notice your energy for work dwindling week after week, you may start realizing that it’s not just an “off” month–you’re unhappy at work.

This isn’t uncommon. In fact, according to Gallup’s most recent engagement survey, only 34 percent of Americans are engaged with their work–which means 66 percent aren’t. Furthermore, of that 66 percent, 13 percent are actively disengaged, meaning they openly show and express their displeasure at work (which is pretty toxic for themselves and anyone around them).

The question is then, what should we do when we feel a dip in engagement at workSuccessful people, those who love their work and have careers that are continually moving in a positive direction, take this kind of situation seriously. They take action.

And you can, too. Here are four steps you can take when you start feeling this way. They’ll help ensure you aren’t stuck in a rut for too long.