When it comes to your career, just one person opening a door can make all the difference. That’s why our community of millions of members across the globe are such a valuable resource to job seekers. And, in challenging times like these, that resource is one of the best ways to support one another. We’ve added some new features on LinkedIn that make it easier to give and get help.

Share That You’re Open To Work

A good first step to finding a new opportunity is to let others know you’re looking. We made it easy to privately signal recruiters that you’re open to work, specify the types of jobs you’re interested in, and indicate your preferred start date and location — ensuring you show up in more recruiter search results. More than 30 million members have used this tool to help them find their next job.

We’re taking that to the next level with an Open-To Work feature so you can indicate to the community of members on LinkedIn that you’re open to work and to make yourself more discoverable by hiring managers. When you turn on the optional feature, a #OpenToWork photo frame is added to your profile picture so anyone who sees your profile, will know you are open to new opportunities — and can help connect you to them. This will include, for example, when your profile comes up in a search or when you comment on a post.