You don’t conquer the fear of public speaking; you manage it.

Some people find this observation surprising because they’ve been told they can “conquer” or eliminate their fear. Eliminating the fear of speaking entirely shouldn’t be your goal. In fact, from an evolutionary standpoint, fear of public speaking is a holdover from our ancient brain. Our ancestors needed to be accepted by the group to survive.

public speaking

Getting nervous about speaking in public is natural.

The secret is to turn those butterflies you feel into positive energy by reframing the situation as an opportunity to share your ideas. Reappraising nervous energy as excitement is a simple way to turn your fear into confidence.

For example, instead of saying “I hate public speaking,” say “I’m excited about sharing my ideas with the team on Tuesday.” Negative self-talk will raise your heart rate. Positive self-talk will keep you calm and boost your confidence.  Read more