You have read all the job hunting tips you could find on the internet.

You are running out of new ideas that you can use to land your next job, especially after countless applications to numerous job sites.

With the increase of job boards, jobseekers have multiple avenues where they can apply for jobs daily. Gone are the days when we could wait for a whole week to come around the weekly newspaper, with the Job Vacancy section.

Let’s demystify the different fictions that have outlived their usefulness in the current job market – and identify the right job hunting tips.

  • Fiction: Job hunting is a full-time job itself.

  • Fact: Strategise. Focus on quality, not quantity.

A job seeker will often hear experts say that looking for a job is a job-hunting strategy itself. While this may be true – of many other things in life – a strategic job hunter is better placed to land a new job faster.

Looking for a job needs a plan. Set out specific time frames to apply to jobs that you qualify for. Do not spend a whole day mass emailing recruiters just because you can. How you invest your job search time determines the results you achieve at the end of the day.

Applying for 50 jobs a day may land you that job, but so is applying for 5 strategic jobs. Put a solid effort into the process, otherwise, you will experience massive burnouts.

  • Fiction: If you keep sending CVs & Cover Letters, you’ll get interviews

  • Fact: You need a CV & Cover Letter that sells your skills

Sending in your CV and Cover Letter to multiple employers won’t get you the job. If you are making applications to just any job – without checking if you are qualified or not – it will result in the same disappointment. Apply to specific positions to which you are perfectly qualified. Job hunting tips produce better results when you understand the way they work. Read more