You just completed another application for the umpteenth time. You are sure about this, you did all you could before submitting this application. Now you sit and wait for the call, or a regret email.


No response.

Then wait some more.

Until now – the feedback is not forthcoming – you are losing hope now.

After a couple of weeks, you decide to move on. It is a sad reality that most companies do not give any feedback to candidates after job applications. Some applicants even wonder if the job sites even receive the applications. They get frustrated, and anxious.

To get more clarity on this, here are a few pointers you should know;

1. You are not qualified for the role 

The job advert read ”We are looking for a candidate with 4 years of experience for the role.” Your experience, on the other hand, is less than a year. What are the odds of you getting a call? The recruiter needs someone who is qualified for the job, and will ideally, select the most qualified professional. You have to be realistic to achieve your goal.

What to do: To avoid constant disappointment, only send job applications for positions you have the qualifications for. Constantly seek growth within your current growth whether in terms of training, academic progression or experience. It makes your future applications more fruitful and gives you a competitive edge. If you lack experience, seek internship positions that will expose you to the market for the experience. You can even volunteer where internships or entry-level jobs are not forthcoming.

2. Your career profile is incomplete

Thousands of applications happen online. Recruiters are aware that candidates’ online profiles can be deceiving and therefore become wary of incomplete professional profiles. Your potential employer will look at your BrighterMonday profile and expect it to match with the CV you sent. Inconsistencies might the reason the feedback is not forthcoming – and can cost you the interview opportunity. Other professional profiles like LinkedIn should also be up to date.

What to do: Be active in your professional circles. Employers are looking to hire self-motivated individuals who are hungry for growth. Update each career milestone on your online professional profiles to increase your relevance in the job market. At the same, time take care of your online presence to ensure it doesn’t jeopardize your chances of getting hired.