hey say, “It’s all about people,” and they are right. Opportunities that can change our lives or at least solve a current burning problem all come thanks to people. Networking is an art that holds immense power in our interconnected world. It is the key to building authentic connections that can lead us to personal and professional fulfillment.

I’ve been researching the “art of networking” for over a decade, interviewing world-class experts, covering studies, books and, most importantly, listening — listening to the millions of people around the world that I have taught this art to. This has led me to know a thing or two about it and develop a methodology around fulfilling ourselves through the power of relationships, which I have been teaching in six continents.

With that in mind, I’d like to present my “Networking Ten Commandments” to guide professionals and individuals in forging meaningful relationships and succeeding in their boundless careers and business aspirations. Let’s delve into these commandments and I encourage you to explore which ones resonate with you the most. Read more