This aspiring YouTuber cold tweeted Mark Cuban for an interview – and landed it

After Black-owned restaurant Burgerim in Dallas’ West End was vandalized on May 30, a local school teacher and aspiring YouTuber known as Ezel Moon went to the restaurant show his support. But Moon ended up with a lot more than just a burger. He also landed an interview with Mark Cuban. Moon went to Burgerim Westend that Saturday, which is one of the only Black-owned businesses in the neighborhood, to order food to help out, he says. ...
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How to Learn to Be Optimistic Again

It's a hard time to stay optimistic. Between the pandemic, the recession, and the protests, both business and life are uncertain and challenging. But while it might be difficult to stay positive, decades of psychological research illustrate why it's essential.  University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman became a towering figure in the field of positive psychology in part because of his pioneering work making dogs depressed. In the landmark studies, Seligman subjected dogs to mild electric shocks without giving them any way to escape the discomfort. He found that even if he later offered the unhappy animals an easy way to escape, they just sat there. They had learned helplessness. Essentially they got depressed ...
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7 Habits of Super Successful Business Owners

While every business owner has a unique way of doing things, certain skills and habits are almost a necessity for rising to the top, regardless of industry, product or service. The habits of successful business owners go beyond a commitment to black turtlenecks, even though many of the world’s most iconic business minds have been notorious for their work uniforms. These habits are more like best practices for life, giving small but strategic advantages that make success a more likely outcome. ...
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If You Can Honestly Say Yes to These 5 Questions, Your Emotional Intelligence Is Pretty Low

What do emotional intelligence (EQ) and leadership have in common? Everything. In its most stripped-down form, being emotionally intelligent means being an exceptional leader. Yet emotional intelligence may not come naturally for many. Sometimes it's easier to not deal with emotional matters at work, as confrontations can get ugly and dramatic. It's so much more convenient to sweep things under the rug. But this approach is also a recipe for disaster because it leads to more drama and more conflict. ...
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4 Money Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are facing unprecedented levels of economic anxiety threatening to imperil their company’s financial stability. Numerous businesses around the world have shut down due to social distancing measures, with many likely to close permanently. Entrepreneurs and prospective startup owners seeking to avoid this fate need to manage their money carefully, as failing to carefully steward finances right now is a one-way ticket to bankruptcy. Don’t sit around and wait for financial salvation to miraculously appear. Instead, be proactive and take these steps to protect your company’s future. ...
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I help struggling small businesses in Kenya become profitable

Businesses in Kenya: Four years ago, James Muchangi was just another casual labourer working at construction sites and tilling farms in Karatina with a Sh. 250 daily pay. Although he had always wished to become an entrepreneur, James was convinced that it would take him years to save enough money to start a business. “I could not picture myself as a businessman. I’d failed to secure a place at the university after sitting for my KCSE and consequently, I feared that I would amount to nothing with my casual jobs,” she says. ...
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Your Emails Are 36 Percent More Likely to Get a Reply If You End Them This Way

As any salesperson, PR rep, or entrepreneur can tell you, the rate at which people open and respond to your emails can be the difference between accelerating your career and the pit of despair.  No wonder we all spend so much time obsessing about subject lines, exact phrasings, and crafting the perfect ask. But according to research from email software company Boomerang, there's one part of your messages you're probably not putting enough thought into -- your closing.  ...
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How to Make Your Marketing Emails More Effective

How many promotional emails do you read every day? If you're like most people, it’s probably only a few if any, plucked out from the 50 you receive just within the early morning hours. This is the reality many brands face with email marketing: the challenge of standing out among the many emails their subscribers are inundated with daily. As a brand owner or marketer, the challenge of creating engaging emails that consistently perform well may seem impossible. ...
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The Busy Person’s Guide to Getting More (and Better) Sleep

Starting a business -- and managing a business through an economic downturn -- can mean working longer hours, experiencing greater stress. Which means not getting enough sleep. The National Institutes of Health estimates between 50 million to 70 million Americans suffer (whether they realize it or not) from chronic sleep deprivation. A lack of adequate sleep only increases the challenges of small-business ownership. Research shows sleep plays an important role in daily functioning: A lack of adequate sleep negatively affects mood, motivation, judgment, and your perception of events. ...
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How to Start a Side Hustle With Little or No Money

As we battle through the pandemic, so many of us are looking for additional sources of money, including starting our own side hustles. But how do you get started and do you need a lot of money to get one up and running? Join Entrepreneur's side hustle expert, Kim Perell, who will tell you the most profitable side hustles you can start right now — and how you can do it with little or no money. During this fast-paces session, you will learn: ...
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Why I Encourage My Best Employees to Consider Outside Job Offers

Every day we get new reminders of just how tough the war for talent can be. It isn’t enough to attract the greatest employees — you have to retain them. That’s become a bigger challenge with “job hopping” on the rise. One survey found that 64% of workers, and 75% of those under the age of 34, believe frequently switching jobs will benefit their careers. Why, then, would I actively encourage even my best employees to pursue outside job offers? The answer is simple, if counterintuitive: It helps the business succeed. In my last job, as senior director at HubSpot, and now as CMO of G2 Crowd, I’ve not only encouraged my employees to look elsewhere but also told them that I keep an eye out for potential new jobs for myself as well. Ironically, all this helps me win — and quite often keep — terrific employees. Here’s why. ...
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