A Top TED Speaker on the Most Important Leadership Skill Right Now

Shortly after George Floyd’s death, I contributed an article to Entrepreneur that told the story of what happened when I responded individually to 170 emails from members of my list. I had asked them how I could best show up for them during this tumultuous time. Based on how many of these folks took this opportunity not to ask for certain content, but to simply share their thoughts, I came to understand that what they most wanted was to feel heard. In the article, this led me to emphasize that the most important thing a leader can do right now is to show up with curiosity. ...
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Personal Financial Management

Personal Financial Management What is Financial planning? Financial Planning is an ongoing process to help you make sensible decisions about money that can help you achieve your goals in life. Financial planning is the long-term process of wisely managing your finances to help achieve your goals and dreams, while at the same time negotiating the financial barriers that inevitably arise in every stage of life. Remember, financial planning is a process, not a product. Importance of Financial Planning Income: It's possible to manage income more effectively through planning Capital: An increase in cash flow, can lead to an increase in capital Family Security: Providing for your family's financial security is an important part of the financial planning process Investment: A proper financial plan considers your personal circumstances, objectives, and risk tolerance. It acts as a guide in helping choose the right types of investments to fit your needs, personality, and goals. See more here PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION SLIDES ...
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How to Become a Brand, Not an Employee

When you’re an employee, you often think you’re expected to only do what you’re told, and you don’t always see your knowledge as valuable. The employee mindset doesn’t challenge leadership or other team members to enhance or create a new, innovative way to perform an existing process. When you have a branding mindset, on the other hand, you think of your expertise and knowledge like a product or service. Brands offer unique products or experiences that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s the same in the professional world: You have to go to work and provide expertise and unique experiences with your team members or clients that no one else offers. This personal branding can be experienced in the way you deliver your task, how you dress, or how you conduct yourself in meetings. People with a brand mindset present their best selves every day and constantly work to enhance their knowledge. ...
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How to Spy on Your Competitors Using the Facebook Ad Library

As the CEO of an ecommerce advertising agency, I can tell you that one of the first questions a smart agency will ask you is “Who are your biggest competitors?”  It’s a good question to get asked and even better when you actually know the answer. Knowing your competition is a crucial part of building and growing a business. But to really succeed in business, you can’t just know who your competitors are — you also have to know what they are doing and why. Knowing how other companies in your industry are reaching customers, positioning products and investing marketing dollars can be very valuable when building growth and marketing strategies to hack the content for your own business.  ...
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2 Years After Leaving My Corporate Job, These 11 Truths Have Held Up

When I first left my corporate job to become an entrepreneur (speaking/writing/teaching), I knew the "honeymoon period" would be bliss. But would I be left with blisters? The further we distance ourselves from a sandstorm, the clearer our vision. Thus, with more informed introspection, I share a two-year progress report of life post-corporate. I'm happy to share that my eyes haven't deceived me--it's an oasis I've found. Here are 11 reasons why. ...
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Planning for Organizational Change: HR Strategies to Help Your Business Navigate the New ‘Normal’

No business is immune to the massive changes resulting from the health crisis. Organizations have proven themselves to be agile, and employees have demonstrated adaptability by working in varying environments. Over the last several weeks, 92 percent of businesses made efforts to shift to a remote workforce, according to a recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll and TriNet to better understand broad COVID-19 related sentiment. ...
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Tired of Turnover? Rebuild Your Benefits

Experienced entrepreneurs know the deal: No employee will ever care about their business as much as they do, but founders still need engaged workers to meet their goals. You can't just add "engagement" to your cart when you order from vendors, though. Lasting relationships take work and trust on both sides. You hold up your end of the deal by providing long-term benefits to employees, and employees reciprocate by engaging fully with their work. ...
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Irine Njeri: I connect the youth to overseas jobs

UAE Jobs Kenya: With the job market in Kenya becoming more highly competitive and less financially rewarding, Kenyan youth have been looking at getting jobs in countries such as Dubai and Qatar. In this feature, we hear the story of one agent who helps young Kenyans get jobs in these countries. You can find the agent’s contacts at the bottom of the story. This feature was written by Joan Thatiah and first published in the Saturday Magazine, a publication of the Nation Media Group: Irine Njeri connects job seekers to opportunities in the Gulf. The 34-year-old says she got committed to the venture when she came face to face with lack. She says her business is a platform for economic empowerment, where she can help make a difference to thousands of unemployed youths. ...
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How to Keep Your Ego From Derailing Your Career

A little bit of ego isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can fuel ambition, put some extra fire in the belly, and help you advocate for positions or strategies you truly believe in. The problem comes when a dash of ego becomes a towering mountain of ego, with no trace of humility and an almost total lack of self-awareness. Those who unknowingly slide into this territory--or even worse, reside there--become convinced of the superiority of their own ideas and are unwilling to give other people's input anything more than a perfunctory hearing. They have no awareness of how their personality, communication style, and management choices are poisoning meetings, conference calls, and the overall spirit of the team. ...
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How to Change Your Background in Microsoft Teams

If you’re stuck working at home and need to video conference over Microsoft Teams, you can hide your messy house with a new virtual background. First, make sure you have the latest version of Teams. From inside the app, click on your profile icon in the upper-right corner and select the "Check for updates" button. You can continue to work while the app checks for and downloads any available updates. ...
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Stress Management Tips For When Things Feel Unmanageable

The past few months have been some of the most stressful of my entire life. As the CEO of ThirdLove, there have been a few times in the history of our business where I've felt huge amounts of stress. In the past, raising our Series A round was extremely stressful. We had a hard time back then, and I remember not knowing whether the company was going to survive.  But something like this-- a global pandemic-- is completely different and has actually been a huge learning opportunity for myself and our leadership team on how to best communicate with each other, and the rest of the company, about how we're feeling, and what we're doing. It is apparent that I'm not the only one feeling stressed -- our leadership team feels it, as do our managers, and individual contributors.  ...
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How I Handled My First Business Crisis

I built my first business back in 2015 and experienced growth of 800 percent in a single year. It has felt like one grateful experience ever since.  Nevertheless, like many other young entrepreneurs, these past few months have been my first encounter with a major crisis. Sure, growing a business takes a great deal of work and struggle, but a crisis of this magnitude is an entirely different beast. For many, a sense of fear has risen. What will happen to your business? Will your career survive?   ...
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