Feeling Worried? This 5-Minute Exercise From a Mental Health Expert Will Calm You

Feeling worried? There's something you can do about it. Mental Health Counselor Kailey Spina Horan, PhD, has devised a simple exercise that can help you manage your worries and restore at least some of your sense of calm. It takes less than five minutes, and all you need is some paper and a pen. There's a lot to be anxious about these days. More than 5.5 million Americans have contracted Covid-19. Unemployment is at levels not seen since the Great Depression. An untold number of businesses, including venerable names like Lord + Taylor and Brooks Brothers, have been pushed into bankruptcy. You may be worried about the future of your own business as well. On top of that, the strain of maintaining social distancing and spending most of your time at home with your family, and perhaps your school-age children, may be making you feel rattled. ...
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How to Balance Between Personal and Professional Social Media

This article was written by Kay VanAntwerpen, an Entrepreneur NEXT powered by Assemble expert. Do you want to future-proof your business with on-demand expertise? Entrepreneur NEXT has the expert solutions your business needs to succeed in an evolving market. For brands, social media is a double-edged sword. On one hand, when creatively employed, it can reach your consumer base in exciting and engaging ways (for example, DiGiorno’s bizarre and hilarious Twitter account). On the other hand, when used recklessly or inappropriately, it can damage brand integrity and reputation in ways that are difficult if not impossible to mend—for instance, when TV star Roseanne Barr ended her comeback and erased herself from the pop-culture landscape with a couple of offensive tweets....
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New Features to Give and Get Help From Your Community

When it comes to your career, just one person opening a door can make all the difference. That’s why our community of millions of members across the globe are such a valuable resource to job seekers. And, in challenging times like these, that resource is one of the best ways to support one another. We’ve added some new features on LinkedIn that make it easier to give and get help. Share That You’re Open To Work A good first step to finding a new opportunity is to let others know you’re looking. We made it easy to privately signal recruiters that you’re open to work, specify the types of jobs you’re interested in, and indicate your preferred start date and location -- ensuring you show up in more recruiter search results. More than 30 million members have used this tool to help them find their next job. We’re taking that to the next level with an Open-To Work feature so you can indicate to the...
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10 Qualities of An Effective Supervisor

Leadership Skills for the Modern Manager You just landed a promotion and you are excited about it. After all, you have worked so hard to get here and seeing your work bearing fruits is everyone’s dream. With this promotion comes the job to supervise a person or a group of people and you are not so sure about your supervisory skills since this is all new to you. Moreover, some of the people you will be supervising are people you have worked with at the same level and you need to keep being their friend as well as being their supervisor. You want to be an effective supervisor, someone who gets the job done and keeps a good and well-motivated team. While you definitely have the technical skills for the job, as evidenced by your promotion, you need the following additional skills so that you can be an effective supervisor as well....
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3 Kinds of Social Media Marketing You Shouldn’t Ignore

The following excerpt is from Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing by Eric Butow, Jenn Herman, Stephanie Liu, Amanda Robinson and Mike Allton, available August 25 via Entrepreneur Press. Pre-order now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books. Social media marketing is about much more than likes and shares. Today’s social media landscape extends well beyond posting a thought or meme and hoping it takes off with your audience. These three kinds of social media marketing should be on your radar if you want to stay current and competitive....
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10 Signs You Have What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur

Has COVID-19 left you jobless and you are wondering what to do next? Do you want to supplement your current income by increasing your income streams? Well, all is not lost since there’s one sure way of boosting your income; entrepreneurship. But how can you be sure you have what it takes to be successful in business? Here are ten signs you are business-minded. Self-driven You don’t need to be pushed to deliver. You stay awake for hours until you solve a problem that’s been nagging you. You can work well alone just as you would in a team, and you don’t need to be supervised to deliver. You are not easily distracted. Instead, you are highly driven and disciplined, staying with a task until it’s finished....
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When resigning, here’s why you should never accept that counteroffer

It takes a lot of guts to quit your job. Often it means stepping into the unknown. So, it’s not surprising that it can be tempting to stick with the status quo, especially if your boss promises to up their game — and possibly your salary — in a counteroffer. However, once you’ve expressed your desire to move on, going back on that decision could be one of the worst moves of your career, according to recruitment specialist Oliver Cooke. “If you’re a good performer in your business, the likelihood is your current employers will try to counteroffer (when you quit). You should be prepared for that,” Cooke told CNBC Make It....
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11 Ways to Overcome Fear During a Crisis

When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” he wasn’t just making a catchy statement to gin up support for his policies. He was speaking to a nation struggling with what was just the beginning of what we now know as the Great Depression. The statement is not completely true since there are plenty of other things to fear, including sharks, taxes and global pandemics. But this much is an absolute fact — especially for entrepreneurs — fear can lead to unwise decisions, which can bring about the very negative consequences we wish to avoid. There is indeed much to fear about fear itself....
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3 Ways Google Creates a High-Performance Culture

One look inside the incredible Googleplex and it’s pretty obvious why they receive an average of 2.5 million resumes a year. From having nap pods to offering on-site massage and providing every employee with three square meals a day – Google has certainly gone above and beyond to care for their employees. Yet it’s not (only) the indoor swimming pools, beach volleyball courts or free onsite laundry facilities that has led the $300 billion tech giant to the 93% CEO approval rating on Glassdoor. These big, unique gestures can make it easy to miss the carefully thought out and analyzed microdetails that are the foundation of their high performance culture. A company doesn’t need to be generating millions in revenue to “hack” the fundamental principles that set the Google team apart. Here are the top three lessons every business can learn, and begin to implement immediately, from Google:...
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Here’s What Successful People Do When They’re Feeling Unhappy at Work (Hint: It’s Not ‘Stick It Out’)

We all have days at work when nothing goes right. Usually, we shrug it off and hope that tomorrow is better. However, when those days start blending together, and you notice your energy for work dwindling week after week, you may start realizing that it's not just an "off" month--you're unhappy at work. This isn't uncommon. In fact, according to Gallup's most recent engagement survey, only 34 percent of Americans are engaged with their work--which means 66 percent aren't. Furthermore, of that 66 percent, 13 percent are actively disengaged, meaning they openly show and express their displeasure at work (which is pretty toxic for themselves and anyone around them). The question is then, what should we do when we feel a dip in engagement at work? Successful people, those who love their work and have careers that are continually moving in a positive direction, take this kind of situation seriously. They take action. And you can, too. Here are four steps you can take when you start feeling this way. They'll...
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8 Ways to Stand Out for That Ideal Job Without a Stellar Resume

Startups and small businesses are different worlds from big enterprises, so the qualities you need to get a job in a new venture are different. Corporate environments are looking for depth of technical skills and experience, while small businesses need everyone to be customer-centric, with a broad range of perspectives and experiences, in addition to the specific skill requested. In my experience, if you want to be that ideal candidate for an attractive position in a new venture or a small business, I recommend that you orient your résumé and your interview discussion to all of the following attributes, in addition to your skills and prior experience: 1. Focus on "people-smarts" rather than "technical-smarts." The key to success in new businesses is good communication with other people, both peers ...
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Stop Complaining About Your Colleagues Behind Their Backs

In my coaching work with leaders and teams, I often ask my clients whether they engage in workplace gossip. More often than not, they respond, “of course not!” with a look on their faces that indicates that they are insulted to have been asked such a question. But when I ask them whether they have ever participated in a “confirmation expedition” — whereby they 1) ask a colleague to confirm their own negative or challenging experience with a third colleague who is not present, or 2) welcome a similar line of confirmation inquiry from another colleague about a third colleague who is not present, most admit that this is, in fact, a regular part of their daily work life. While leaders and teams might consider this behavior to be innocent “blowing off steam” or the more strategic “confirming performance data,” I consider it a form of workplace gossip....
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Why unit trusts is best Covid times investment option

The current environment emanating from the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented and has had a huge and adverse impact on both the demand and supply chain. Financial institutions, such as banks and insurance companies, with the support of their respective regulators, have come up with different programmes to cushion customers from the current economic slump. These include extension of loan terms or issuing loan and premium repayment holidays. Payment holidays are meant to offer relief to people who may be experiencing financial difficulties in honouring their contractual obligations. Usually, the market demands some level of certainty and stability, but the current environment reflects neither of these. Even more unsettling, we do not know when it will stabilise or if there is going to be a second wave of Covid-19 or how far out we are in terms of production of a vaccine. That said and in terms of making an entry into the market, it really depends on, but not limited to, your financial...
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Implement These Three Leadership Tactics from Abe Lincoln Today

During the early part of the Civil War, the Union was facing great difficulty in the Eastern Theater. Robert E. Lee was routinely trouncing on the U.S. Army from early 1862 through mid-1863. Lincoln tried out four or five Union commanders, all of whom were fired. As I reflect on my entrepreneurial voyage, I have some appreciation for how hard it must have been for Lincoln to fire all of these generals, who we have to remember were at the very top of the military command system. Of course, Lincoln eventually landed on Ulysses S. Grant and put him in charge, which I believe turned the war to the Union's favor. There are three attributes of Lincoln that would make him a good entrepreneur today. ...
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