You go to work to earn a living. You have invested in your self academically and experience -wise to ensure you become a professional in your field. This should ideally reflect on the kind of compensation you get once employed. Great companies offer competitive packages for their employees. A salary that is equal to or higher than the industry standard is a vital determining factor when looking for your next employer.

Job Security

When looking for a job, how long you last in the company is important to you because it basically dictates the kind of life you live. Job security is crucial. You need  need to know your job’s security status because you have responsibilities, hence the higher the job security level, the better.

Career Growth Opportunities

You join a company with the hopes of growing and advancing your in your career. Growth is an important factor to consider when choosing an employer. During an interview, seek to find out the growth opportunities and measures your prospective employer is taking to ensure an upward trajectory for the employees. …Read More