In 1997, I started my company,  Clinic, in my college dorm room with $800 and a book on HTML.

In 2007, after spending over $250,000 on “gurus” (and listening to a lot of bad advice), I ended up $40,000 in credit card debt working out of my parents’ basement.

I felt like a . I was angry and resentful. But worst of all, I had lost faith in myself and didn’t know how I’d ever believe in myself again. Today, I run a consulting and training business from my home and work with  clients around the world.

After interviewing more than 200 of the world’s most , I realized that one of the biggest differences between them (what I call the 2 percenters) and the average person isn’t money or IQ or luck or education. It’s simply the belief that you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

So how do you believe in yourself again after a major setback?