Why A Cover Letter Is Necessary

A cover letter is like a sales pitch! This is what summarises all your skills, experience and capabilities for the job you are applying for. It gives you the opportunity to tell a story. It should be brief and straight to the point. Most candidates make the mistake of copy-pasting the same cover letter for all the jobs applied for. This is a huge error and it’s where most candidates go wrong. A cover letter adds focus to your resume.

In most job adverts it is a requirement for one to send their CV and Cover Letter. Unfortunately, most candidates don’t know the purpose of this letter. They treat a cover letter as just any other document required in the application process. For those who know the reason of having one, they make mistakes when sending out the application and as a result, employers and recruiters end up not reading them.

In this article, we’ll make a case on why your CV should always be accompanied by a Cover Letter and most importantly how to send this important document so that employers don’t have a choice but to read it. This way, you’ll increase the chances of getting an interview.

The Importance of A Cover Letter

  • It allows you to target the job and the employer in a very specific way. This is why you should never use the same cover letter over and over again. Always read and understand the job that you are applying for and this is what will guide you in writing a cover letter
  • A cover letter is a tool for you as a candidate to tell the employer what you find attractive in the job that matches your skills and why you want to work for them. It should not be a copy-paste of your resume. It’s what makes you stand out from the crowd.
  • Use a cover letter as a teaser. What does this mean? Engage the employer in the cover letter to make them want to know more about you.
  • It gives you the opportunity to present your opportunities and accomplishments which is a good practice for job-search strategy.

Employers dislike long paragraphs so ensure that you follow the following principles to writing a great cover letter!

  • Be brief
  • Identify yourself
  • Exhibit your passion
  • Sell your qualifications
  • Make it easy to read

Whether you are a fresh graduate or a senior-level career individual, you need a cover letter. There’s no exception since employers and recruiters expect to see one. Here is how to get the important document to work for you; Read more