With everything happening online, it is easy to get invited to a last-minute interview, with not more than just a couple of hours to prepare. Don’t freak out when this happens. Stay calm and focused, as you would for any other interview. Sometimes your interview will come at a time when you are only scrambling to stay still. Your response will determine the difference between a failed interview and a job offer.

Here are some tips on how to land a job with a last-minute interview:

1. Read the company’s website

Getting a last-minute interview does not exempt you from knowing what the company is about. If you are interested in working for them, you must show interest in joining the team. Find their website and do a deep industry search. Learn as much as you can about the company and the services they provide. How are your skills going to add value to the company? Do you understand why they need someone like you to fill the position? Be prepared, you still have to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

2. Scroll through their social media profiles

As companies are evolving with the digital world, most of them will always have an online presence. Make sure you take a couple of minutes to find and search through the company’s social media and understand their language. Does it look like a company that has a lot of millennials or is it contemporary? How do they communicate with their audience? Do you feel like you will be a good fit for the company culture? Know the industry language and familiarise yourself with their target audience, this way you are better equipped in case of anything during and after the interview.

3. Research your interviewers

You have received the last-minute interview from your potential employers. Run a quick search on them. Find them on the company’s LinkedIn page. Do you have any shared connections that can give you a quick insight on what to expect? Can you get any information about their work personalities? There is a wealth of information online these days, take advantage, and make yourself unique. After all, the goal is to impress and get the job! Read More