Finding Job Adverts

Finding job adverts can be a challenge in itself. If you’re not sure where to look, start with job portals such as BrighterMonday, but don’t forget to also check out company websites. Once you’ve found a few good sources of job adverts, set up alerts so that you’re notified as soon as new positions are posted. This will save you time and help ensure that you don’t miss any opportunities.

It’s also worth networking with people in your industry – they may be able to put you in touch with potential employers or let you know about job openings that haven’t been advertised publicly.

Writing a Good CV/Cover Letter

Your CV and cover letter are your first opportunity to make a good impression on potential employers. Make sure that you take the time to write clear, concise and error-free documents. If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online to help you get started. For example, our blog post on How To Write A Cover Letter That Stands Out provides some useful tips and advice as well as getting a professionally written CV at BrighterMonday that will give you the edge you need in today’s competitive job market.

The Job Interview

As we mentioned earlier, the job interview is often the most challenging part of the process for many job seekers. This is where you’ll have the opportunity to sell yourself to potential employers and convince them that you’re the right person for the job. Preparation is key – make sure you know about the company and the role that you’re applying for, and have some examples of your work ready to share.

Research common interview questions and practice your answers with a friend or family member. This will help you feel more confident and less likely to be caught off guard during the actual interview. Read more